Here we will try to gather relevant articles (popular as well as scientific) relating very specifically to the following :
1) Establishing Marpa in his proper place within the Kagyu Lineage, thus using the force of history.
2) as well as revitalizing the transmissions passed from Marpa to his pupil Ngog Chöku Dorje, especially with focus on 2 of the Ngok mandalas: the Hevajra (9 deity) and Nairatmya (15 deity).
Ames, Spencer (2019): About Hevajra in Cambodia.
Djung, Carl (2020): „Small drops gathered for the sake of inspiration” Short descriptions of the 39 lineage-holders of one transmission of the Hevajra 9-deity practice. (The Marpa Ngok Hevajra Lineage)
Ducher, Cécile (2017): Building a Tradition: The Lives of Mar-pa the Translator.Collectanea Himalayica, Vol. 5. München: Indus Verlag.
Ducher, Cécile (2017): A Lineage in Time: The Vicissitudes of the rNgog pa bka’ brgyud from the 11th through 19th centuries.
Ducher, Cécile (2020): Goldmine of Knowledge – The Collections of the Gnas bcu lha khang – Revue d’Etudes Tibétaines – no. 55 – Juillet 2020 – pp 121–139 – ret_55_06.
Glück, Elvira (2018): About the Phyang Gompo in Ladakh, The Hevajra Tempel and the annual Hevajra Drubchöd.
Walther, Marco (2016): Between Family and Transmission Lineage: Two Historical Works of the rNgog bKa‘ brgyud pa.
Djung, Carl (2018): The resurfacing of long lost texts – about the Marpa-Ngok initiative by HH Drikung Kyabgön trinle Lhundrub.